Friday, September 18, 2009

Week 1 Reflection

What I felt I did well on:

I feel that during class I did the best on the cross contour drawings.  I personally feel this because I felt that I got the proportions accurate.  In addition, I feel that I really understood the subject that I was drawing (the foot).  I like the longer drawings because I feel that I can really see and understand the subject matter that I am drawing.  

Areas that I could improve:

I feel that I really struggled with the jester drawings.  I had a hard time getting the portions accurate on most the ones that I did.  In addition, I found it hard to find the primary axis and the angle of the body to be very difficult.  I also had a hard time with the homework.  I had a difficult time making the shell appear to have form while still looking like a shell.  

My initial thoughts of the class:

At first I thought drawing live nude models would be very awkward.  I have never had the opportunity to do draw that subject matter.  But once the class started I really didn't view the models as being nude.  Now I feel very comfortable being able to draw the models.

Future Goals for the class:

In future weeks of the class I would like to really try to focus on getting the proportions of the human form more accurate.  I would also like to focus on trying to getting the whole body drawn for Jester drawing.     

1 comment:

  1. Katie,
    what a great reflection--honest and to the point. I find for most students, people tend to lean one way or the other in terms of liking the slow drawings or the gestures. And if they enjoy one, they dread the other.

    One reason for having you do both is to allow everyone strengths and weakness and challenges.

    We'll do so many gesture drawings by the end of the semester, you'll like them just because they are familiar (or not!).

    Thank you for writing about what was difficult for you. That helps me understand what to look for when I come around.

    Also, thanks for the comments on your first experience drawing a nude model. Isn't it strange how something that you may have been nervous about--and how others in society may not understand--can transform completely, and quite quickly, into simply artists working hard to learn what they need to learn.

    Great reflection--I look forward to knowing you more this semester.
